Call For Abstracts

Greetings from Charm City, hon! 🦀

National Aquarium is excited to post a call for abstracts for BMORE RAW 2025! We are calling upon presenters to submit abstracts for oral presentations, both in short and long form. Short form presenters will be limited to 10 minutes, and long form presenters will be limited to 20 minutes (including questions). All submissions will be considered on a variety of topics including (but not limited to!):

  • Larval Fishes: Techniques, Successes, New Advances
  • Aquatic Herpetofaunal Care (special focus on non-Chelonioidean species!)
  • Back to Basics: Revisiting Foundations for Better Husbandry and Welfare
  • Innovative Techniques/Technologies: Animal Training, Transport, and Creative Problem Solving
  • Emergency and Contingency Planning: Aquarium Emergency Care in the Era of Climate Change

Attached below is the official flyer for abstract submissions as well as the pre-formatted template for uploading. Both have been posted on the RAW website. Please carefully review the directions for authors/presenters for submitting your abstract for consideration. Abstracts are due for submission by January 4, 2025. All accepted presenters will be required to register and have associated fees paid by March 8, 2025. For abstract submission questions, email: For general conference questions, email:

The Regional Aquatics Workshop (RAW) 2025 will be hosted by the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland. The conference will be held April 23-26, 2025 at the Renaissance Baltimore Harbor Place Hotel. Pre-conference TAG Steering Committee Meetings will be held on Tuesday, April 22nd. Registration for the conference will be available soon on the RAW website:

All of us here at National Aquarium are eager to see the submitted abstracts begin to trickle in, and we can’t wait to welcome everyone to “Bawlmer” in the spring!

Meredith Meyers
Assistant Curator
National Aquarium