The 35th Regional Aquatic Workshop, will be held in Tacoma, WA from May 5-10, 2024, and promises to be another signature meeting of great presentations and wonderful networking opportunities.
We are calling upon presenters to submit abstracts for 20-minute oral presentations (15 minutes presenting plus 5 minutes of questions). This year, submissions for short format (8-10 minute) presentations will also be encouraged.
If you would like to present during TACOM-RAW, please carefully follow the instructions for authors and submit the abstract to the program committee via the google form.
For questions regarding submissions, you may contact the RAW Program Committee at RAWPCAbstracts@gmail.com.
The 35th Regional Aquatic Workshop
Early in the 21st Century aquariums face an uncertain future. Emerging technologies, an increased information bandwidth, and a society increasingly connected, present a range of new challenges and new opportunities. For the 35th RAW we are asking authors to submit contributions that inform how aquariums will operate further into 21st Century.
Areas of focus during the meeting will include: Innovation in AQ sciences; Invertebrate Husbandry – with emphasis on diverse invert species; The Art of Displays – elements that make a “great” display (lighting, aquascaping, etc.); Husbandry of aquatic plants/algae (the non-nuisance kind); Aquarium research partnerships and collaborations; Mental wellness/ Employee wellbeing, Institutional/Industry Knowledge Retention/Transfer, and Life Support Systems. All submissions will be considered, but submissions are encouraged in these domains.
All verbal presentations will be video recorded by Animal Professionals and will be available on their website http://animalprofessional.com/
Submissions not accepted for full-length oral presentation may be directed toward the short-format session.
We thank you all for your participation.
Complete the Abstract Submission document template located on RAWconference.org (below). Then submit and upload abstracts via the google form by FEBRUARY 2, 2024.
Early submissions appreciated! Thank you.